Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reaction: Church and Stones

By Marty Smith

Given my friendship with Eric Church, I've been innundated with requests for feedback regarding his comments in the Rolling Stone article. In this instance 140-character responses don't suffice. So I figured it best to simply write about it.

So... here are my thoughts ->

Having spoken with Eric, I have context on the matter most do not. And context in any debate is critical to truth, fairness and accuracy. A quote can be accurate verbatim, but contextually misleading.

Eric said what he said and he has to own it. And he does own it.

But that doesn't mean we have the true scope of how he said what -- and at what point of a much broader conversation the words were stated. I'm not saying the writer took him out of context. Not even. But any writer will tell you that there is potential during any story for the context of his or her keystrokes to change a bit during the editing process.

Oftentimes in my job we are handed sheets of paper with quotes from racecar drivers. They are words on paper. And when read they are at times eye-popping, seemingly condescending or controversial for those reporters that weren't present when they were said. It is important to see HOW they were said.

A comment said while laughing is taken completely differently by those present than it is by those reading it on a piece of paper. Yes, those exact words were stated. But body language and voice inflection say every bit as much as the words themselves.

Not that Eric was laughing about the Idol-driven fast-track-to-fame dynamic. Because he wasn't. He genuinely doesn't appreciate it. That is not debatable. But that sentiment is not about the people. It's about the process.

Oddly enough that's why, when he names Blake Shelton and CeeLo Green in the Rolling Stone piece, it's not necessarly about Blake Shelton or CeeLo Green. They -- unfortunately -- merely provided the motor in the magazine vehicle that delivered the larger message.

He shouldn't have named names. Period. That was a mistake, and also is not debatable.

Shelton and Green are livid. And given what they read, I can see why. From there it was a runaway freight train. In instances like this reactions are quick and sides form immediately, based on personal allegiences.

The reaction has been crazy. Some of Blake's closest friends are some of my closest friends. They've asked for answers and I've not responded until now.

But Eric is my best friend. He's a badass, genuinely. I know his heart and I support him.